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Tito Bustillo Cave Art

To the Cave of Ardines

The Ardines Cave is an immense geological dome that forms part of the system of galleries of the Macizo de Ardines. It stands out for the size of its large main chamber, where the ceiling reaches a height of 40 metres, now pierced by a natural hole that allows daylight to enter.

The Cave of Ardines can be visited free of charge on presentation of the admission ticket to the Cave Art Centre.

The visit to the Cave of Ardines lasts for 45 minutes on average.

It is open the same days the Rupestrian Art Centre opens, except for days 10th and 11st April, 1st May and from 11st to 20th August on which the Centre opens (except 14th August) and the Cave of Ardines remains closed. Closed: 17th (afternoon) and 18th February, 5th and 6th August and from 17th to 29th August 2017. Check on visiting frequency at the Recepción of the Centre.

The number of visitors is limited to 20 per visit. Visiting the Cave of Ardines requires visitors to climb up and down 300 steps

Cuevona de Ardines